Monday, October 12, 2009

Changing reality

I have been wondering lately about how people accomplish great things among adversity. Do these people just get lucky? Do they keep sight of there goal and not listen to those that challenge them? I think they are able to see their goal and are so focused that nothing can stop them. Some examples would be Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein and Mozart to name a few. These people knew what they wanted and didn't care that many thought they were crazy and didn't believe them. We all have goals and aspirations, but are often deterred because others give us their negative opinion and plant doubt in our minds. We can choose to ignore this doubt and believe in ourselves and ultimately achieve our goal. Or we can choose to succumb to the fears planted by others and fail to achieve our goals or happiness. It really is that simple I believe, but we often find it easier to blame others for our failures. It is difficult to face ourselves sometimes and look into why we do things. But if we are strong enough and love ourselves enough to do just that what we find will be so worthwhile. Happiness is but a choice. We can find the good in our lives or focus on the bad. For what we focus on we will continue to have and be. When we change that focus we will change too.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The beginning

Well I have talked about having a blog for a while and thought this was a good place to start. I have been really contemplating many things for a while and need a good spot to lay out my thoughts and hope that maybe others will relate or even think too about new things or perspectives. Life is so full of possibilities but often the problems or issues that cause us pain or sorrow get in the way of our view of life here on earth. We are here but a short time and we should all make the best of it! Now I have many theories about things and my own opinion on stuff as I will share in later blogs, but I too am victim to pain and sorrow like everyone else. I have struggled for some time to come to terms with the different issues in my life and it is an on going struggle. I am being vague right now but I will get more specific later. I don't want to get too ahead of myself here. I will ask this question though...Has anyone else been frustrated with the conventional way of life and feel that there is something missing?? Or that there is something more out there they need to learn? This is my feeling and I am on a personal quest or journey to uncover these treasures.